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The Foxes - Characters 


The Police Team;

Captain Andrew Ardleigh (African-Spanish American, male, 47) took over the role when his processor (Felix Holder) left in disgrace. Will they be professional when called to work together to solve the complex mysteries that engulf this anomalous assortment of people?

Kenny George (white, male, 34) owes his phenomenal intelligence to his parents. Although adopted he’s content, he knows all the family secrets. He was 13 when he uncovered them. He wonders why others are so obsessed with his parentage. He’s happy being a detective, solving complex crimes, and living for the mental challenge. But can he live up to his nickname as the American Sherlock Holmes?

Detective Kylie Orpington (white, female, 36) is eager to convict criminals. She gave Kenny George his apt nickname. In her determination for results she will have her professionalism challenge. Wil she disregard the restrictions imposed on her by her professional ethics and her partner’s cerebral diligence to dispense justice?

Detective Jonathan Warrington (white, male, 36, nickname Lash) is a detective colleague and one of Eve’s drinking buddies. While a lot younger than his two drinking buddies (Matt 60 and Eve 58) why is he so often the more mature buddie?


The Legal Team;

District Attorney Peter Alexandra (black, male, 45) is the new PAC (People Against Conflict) Chair. As a straitlaced lawyer can he ever be comfortable around such unorthodox spirits as are found in this the most unusual of charities?

District Attorney Matt Thompson (white, male, 60) is a drinking buddy; he also offers Eve deep affection. Is this a testosterone filled complication waiting to explode?


Friends and Lovers;

The Honourable Ladies Totingham-Smyth (‘Tots’, white, female, 59) and Southpost (‘Southie’, white, female, 58) were at school with Eve. They are a class apart, separated by the Atlantic, and with unparalleled life expectations. So why are they all three still so close?

Felix Holder (white, male, 61) resigned his job and then, unexpectedly, found love. Is love a substitute? His life is further complicated by his reluctance to appease Eve’s friends. Can Felix find exoneration, peace, and justice in this domestic whirlwind? Or will his confession, about deeds done long ago, make life with Eve even less likely?


PAC employees;

Eve Jackson/Mrs George (white, female, 58) is People Against Conflict (PAC) New York based English director and mother to Kenny George. PAC brings succour into war torn lands. Eve was not looking for love. She was also not seeking to be the victim of various vicious crimes that she became subject to when she fell in love with Felix. Are they linked?

Samantha Lane (white, female, 30) is an ex-law student working as PAC office manager. She yearns to return to her studies. But this will not happen without sponsorship. Can she find a way to continue her education? What could, after all, intervene to curtail her ambitions?

Lord Robert Bennett (Rob, white, male, 81) is the CEO of PAC where he encounters evil people. Unrequited love catapulted him into a world where the law is made by the powerful. He is without doubt a very powerful and influential man. Even so, why is he able to eradicate evil without questions being asked by anyone?

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